What is the Pacte Logement?

The Pacte Logement is a partnership between the government and communes designed to support the latter's efforts to develop affordable housing and residential quality.
The objectifs of the Pacte Logement
At national level, the Pacte Logement 2.0 has 3 three main operational objectives:
- increasing the supply of affordable and sustainable housing at communal level
- mobilising existing land and residential potential at communal level
- improving housing quality
Pacte Logement 2.0 runs from the 1st of January 2021 until the 31st of December 2032.
For more information, visit www.pactelogement.lu.

My commune is committed to affordable housing
On 11 October 2021, the Commune of Niederanven joined the new Pacte Logement by signing an initial agreement with the State, more specifically the Ministry of Housing. This agreement, drawn up for a period of 12 months, set out the procedures for drawing up the programme d'action local logement (PAL). The resulting PAL was approved by the Commune Council at its meeting on 30 November 2022.
Following validation of the PAL by the Minister for Housing, an implementation agreement was signed with the State. This agreement enables the commune to achieve the objectives set out in the PAL by carrying out various projects co-financed by the State.

Projects in our commune within the framework of the PAL
- organising resident participation followed by a paid consultation to produce a "new centre of Niederanven" masterplan
- updating planning regulations (PAG, PAP & RBVS)
- creation of affordable housing in general and more specifically in the context of multi-generational and youth housing projects and the provision of several light constructions (tiny houses)
- acquisition of land for community facilities
- creation of a new Duerfplaz in Ernster
- reopening of the restaurant Waldhaff following the organisation of a competitive dialogue
- active communication on the Pacte Logement 2.0 and affordable housing in particular